Class 68

Quashaun is 24 years old and is from Charlotte. He is currently enrolled at CCSC with his mom, Candice! Cooking has always been in Quashaun’s blood. He grew up watching his mom and grandma cook, and it’s always really stuck with him. It also helps that he love to eat as well. Quashaun heard about CCSC through the NC Works program. He knew this was the time to go to culinary school, because he didn’t want to waste any more time not doing something that he loves to do. He sees it as an investment of time into his talent. CCSC has been a blessing and he is learning more than he thought he would. After he graduates, Quashaun is looking forward to working with his mom Candice to grow their catering business “Bennett’s Down 2 Da Bone.” Welcome to Class 68, Quashaun!